Dh hbs satu aktiviti. Sbnr nya smlm lg dh hbs tp dsbbkn jln2 dgn unusual group of friends, terlajak la pula sampai ke malam. Mls nk update time tu. So, tangguh la ke hr ni. hihihihi....
Secara keseluruhannya event tu ok. Tp to be frank, byk jgk yg aku x puas hati. Especially psl pengurusan dia la. For those puas hati dgn management dia, I just have 1 thing to say. You weren't day when it happen. 1st day was a total disaster. There are problems when there should have any. Mmg la, problem mmg significant dgn event management, but what that piss me of is that they cannot handle the problem properly. Maybe diaorg krg preparation kot. I don't know.
Psl diaorg pch kn my team into bits and pieces ok fine, I can still accept it. Maybe there too many people there. Tp yg plik nya, dh diaorg sampai ke tempat baru, they still have NOTHING to do. Ada lebihan plak. Kesian diaorg kena lari ke sana ke sini. Rs mcm bola yg kena tendang pun ada.
By day 2, things seems to get better. But still, aku x thn dgn org yg ckp kt dpn tu. Hello.... Org dh penat, hr dah lewat, and he still tell his jokes that are not funny at all. Oh please uncle. Dan aku rs, org yg gelak tu mgkn sbb tpaksa gelak sbb nk sdpkn hati dia je. Kot2 blh dpt $$$ lbh.
One more thing yg aku x puas hati. Psl food dia la. Especially ms hr perasmian. Byk giler yg lbh. From what I heard from my friend yg jg makanan tu, there were around 1000 packets of food left. What a waste. The thing is, ms awal2 org nak ambik 2 diaorg x nak bg (not my friend la. the person who's from the catering). So, every1 ambik 1 je. By the end of the opening ceremony, byk giler yg lbh. Ms tu la cbuk nak bg kt org. Ckp nnti bos marah kalau x hbs. Ms tu semua org dah kenyang (around 11 at that time). So x ramai la yg ambik. Last2, terbuang mcm tu je. Time closing pun hmpr jd mcm tu, tp nsb baikla x sbyk opening tu.
What done is done. Tulis sampai 20 page pun x guna. Looking forward for my next event. Pesta Hoki. Till then, adios amigos....
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