Setelah sekian lama x mnonton movie di pawagam, I'm back. With 2 movies. Yup. Ni kes lps gian la ni. Hahahaha. Ok 1st movie yg aku tgk The Mechanic. Aku tgk movie ni dgn 2 org besties aku kt USM ni (Wawa & Zaza) semalam. 2nd movie plak Burlesque hari ni. Ni aku g tgk sorg2. Post ni, aku nak citer psl The Mechanic je. Nnti 2nd post aku citer plak psl Burlesque.
Kitaorg x plan nk tgk movie ni. Dtg QB pilih2 & tgk. Kisah dia mgenai pembunuh upahan yg sgt efficient yg mampu membuat satu pembunuhan seolah-olah seperti satu kemalangan. Movie ni sgt typical action movie. Watak utama dia perahsia, pendiam & agak anti sosial (ddk pun sorg2 dlm hutan). Nothing new. Movie ni x emphasize watak wanita. All the main cast are male (a bit disappointed bcoz I love when girls kick ass. opsss. mind my word ussage).
Nevertheless, it's a fun movie to watch. Filled with action, brutality and blood (luckily I know it's not real blood or I'll faint straightaway). Nothing much I can pick out of it in terms of the moral values. Just that there're some ethic issue such as how far would you go to achieve what you want? In this movie, there's no limit on how far can you go but on my behalf I think there's should be a limit. If there's no limit, the world will be in chaos (just like in the movie). And then, will you go and backstab someone you know (even your friend) when you are forced to do it? Hmmmmm. I hope I won't have to do that.
There nothing much I can say about this movie. It's simply a movie to watch and enjoy without thinking much about the story line and what we can pick up from it. I give this movie a rating of 3 stars. Till next time....
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