Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"It takes a legend to make a star". Truly I like this tag line. It takes someone to build someone. Oh BTW burlesque is pronounced as /bɜːˈlesk/ and it means a theatrical entertainment in the USA in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that had amusing acts and a striptease (= a performance in which someone removes their clothes). Just by hearing the meaning of the movie title make me arouse. Hahahaha. Ok. It's true that this movie have some striptease scene both by Christina Aguilera and Cam Gigandet. But that's not what this movie is about. It's about the people inside of it.

When I saw it's poster a few month back, I was trilled. I'm a big fan of both Christina Aguilera and musical movie. And truly, my wait worth it. The movie was great, the song were awesome and who can deny the vocals of Christina. Fuh..... Mind blowing vocal.

But, this movie is not for the conservative mind. Why, see the title meaning and you know why. The clothing are much too sexy for the conservative mind (not for me of course). Then there were a striptease scene by both Christina and Cam that I think is kinda funny (I don't know about the conservative mind. maybe they find it disgusting and shameful). This movie making me feel hot inside a very cold cinema hall. Hahahaha....

There's some moral values inside the movie. Firstly, you must persistent and fight for your dreams. Whatever your dream is, you must fight for it even when people get in your way. Next, money isn't everything. It is true that money is important but it is everything. There some things that money can't buy. Be careful on anyone you've just met. They might take advantage of you. Hmmm. You must watch it

Overall this is a great movie to watch and please mind their clothing. Hahahaha. I give this movie 4 star. Till then.....

P/S: I'm a bit disappointed because I was hoping to see more of Diana Agron in this movie and maybe her singing too. But it's ok. Having Christina singing a lot of songs covers it....

Monday, February 21, 2011

5 wrong reasons to vote for a candidate

(1) family ties
voting for your family members might seem the way for you to support them and you know them well enough, but please consider the option that there might me other person that suit the job

(2) friendship
even if the candidate is your friend, please do not vote for him/her because of that. He/She might be your friend but he/she may not suit the job

(3) race
a very wrong reason to vote. you cannot be racism. race does not determine a good leader

(4) statehood
this is another very wrong reason to vote. come one. we're malaysians and it doesn't even matter where you come from

(5) gender
just because you're a guy/girl doesn't mean you should vote for the same gender as yours. bear in mind that gender doesn't determine leadership

happy voting guys....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Mechanic

Setelah sekian lama x mnonton movie di pawagam, I'm back. With 2 movies. Yup. Ni kes lps gian la ni. Hahahaha. Ok 1st movie yg aku tgk The Mechanic. Aku tgk movie ni dgn 2 org besties aku kt USM ni (Wawa & Zaza) semalam. 2nd movie plak Burlesque hari ni. Ni aku g tgk sorg2. Post ni, aku nak citer psl The Mechanic je. Nnti 2nd post aku citer plak psl Burlesque.

Kitaorg x plan nk tgk movie ni. Dtg QB pilih2 & tgk. Kisah dia mgenai pembunuh upahan yg sgt efficient yg mampu membuat satu pembunuhan seolah-olah seperti satu kemalangan. Movie ni sgt typical action movie. Watak utama dia perahsia, pendiam & agak anti sosial (ddk pun sorg2 dlm hutan). Nothing new. Movie ni x emphasize watak wanita. All the main cast are male (a bit disappointed bcoz I love when girls kick ass. opsss. mind my word ussage). 

Nevertheless, it's a fun movie to watch. Filled with action, brutality and blood (luckily I know it's not real blood or I'll faint straightaway). Nothing much I can pick out of it in terms of the moral values. Just that there're some ethic issue such as how far would you go to achieve what you want? In this movie, there's no limit on how far can you go but on my behalf I think there's should be a limit. If there's no limit, the world will be in chaos (just like in the movie). And then, will you go and backstab someone you know (even your friend)  when you are forced to do it? Hmmmmm. I hope I won't have to do that.

There nothing much I can say about this movie. It's simply a movie to watch and enjoy without thinking much about the story line and what we can pick up from it. I give this movie a rating of 3 stars. Till next time....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rimas + Lemas

Tiba2 rs mcm nak nyanyi lagu The Fabulous Cat plak. Aku rimas aku lemas. Kenapa? Sbb PRK yg bagi aku agak merepek tu. Kwn aku kt UTM pun ada pandangan yg sama dgn aku. sila baca Seriously. Aku setuju sangat dgn apa yg kwn aku tulis tu.

Bg aku same je. Aspirasi ke Pro-M ke. Xda beza pun. More Talk Less Walk. Time kempen, janji macam2. Nak bg tu la, nak improve ni la. Alih2, apa pun xda. Kalau fikir logik, xde apa2 sgt yg blh dibuat dlm ms 1 tahun diaorg berkuasa. Even kerajaan Malaysia yg mgnudi tiap 5 thn pun, you don't see a lot of big changes made during those time. So kpd para calon, manifesto korg tu biarlah login & realistik. Nak improve WiFi? Blh, sekiranya internet service di Malaysia setanding negara maju (My Korean friend ckp internet kat Malaysia mcm slow mcm siput. LOL). Nak makanan murah? Blh je asalkan korg mampu bg subsidi memandangkan harga brg naik (mampu ke nk subsidi semua student????). Nak perbaiki perkhidmatan bas komuter? Blh je asalkan korg blh pujuk pemilik syarikat bas utk beli bas baru semuanya (nak ke diaorg? minda biznes ni lain ckit. slagi blh dipakai diaorg akan pakai.).

Bnda2 ni la yg selalu berbangkit, baik Aspirasi mahupun Pro-M. Be logical guys. Nothing change instantly. Even an ugly caterpillar doesn't change into a beautiful butterfly instantly. So, apelah sgt yg korg mampu buat dlm setahun. MPP bertukar setiap thn. Lain padang lain belalang akhirnya bnda tu x selesai2 jgk. So, bnda ni akan berlarutan & bnda ni jgklah yg korg perjuangkan saban thn. Stop it guys. Kami rimas kami lemas. Sbb tu la byk org dah mls nak ambik tahu sbb xde faedah pun. Baik diorg dok bilik, study, dpt CGPA 3.50 ke atas pastu kerja. X myusahkan org.

Aku setuju sgt2 la dgn kata2 kwn aku dlm blog dia tu. sila baca Time2 mcm ni, prinsip kelestarian yg diperjuangkan olh USM hilang entah ke mana. Flyers la, poster la, tempek sana, tampal sini. Korg tahu kn ape kitaorg buat dgn bnda tu semua. Ambik, senyum, jln jauh ckit, jmpa tong sampah, buang. Kalau dpt kertas A4 yg sblh belakang dia kosong, guna utk buat short note (at least ni lestari ckit. [aku la tu. hehehe.] angkat bakul plak. LOL).

Satu lg yg aku x suka adalah bnda ni mampu merosakkan sebuah persahabatan. I really treasure friendship (terpulang la korg nak percaya atau x). Seriously, aku x tau apa akan jd lps PRK ni. Adakah akan kembali bersahabat, atau terus bermasam muka. Oh, tidak!!!! Memikirkannya je buat aku jd takut. huhuhuhu. Pls guys, never let politics ruin your relationship. It's not worth it.....

Apelah yg aku mencarut ni. Lab report x siap lg cbok plak nak blogging. Oklah guys. Till next time....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Study Schedule/Tips Belajar

  1. It is important that you set up a regular study schedule, preferably a daily one. 
  2. Make sure that you read the syllabus for the course and adhere to the schedule set by your instructor. The lectures will make much more sense if you read the corresponding text material before attending them. 
  3. As a general rule, you should devote about two hours of study time for each hour you are in a class. 
  4. If you are having troubles with the course, seek the advice of the instructor or other students who have taken the course. You may find it necessary to seek further instruction from experienced students. 
  5. Very often, instructors offer a review sessions in addition to regular class periods. 
  6. Avoid the practice of delaying study until a day or two before the exam. More often or not, this approach has disastrous results. 
  7. Rather than undertake an all-night study session before a test, briefly review the basic concepts and equations and then get a good night's rest.

  1. Adalah penting bagi anda untuk menetapkan jadual belajar yang teratur, sebaiknya anda meluangkan masa untuk belajar pada setiap hari.
  2. Pastikan anda membaca sukatan kursus dan mematuhi jadual yang telah anda tetapkan. Kuliah-kuliah akan menjadi lebih mudah difahami sekiranya anda membaca bahan-bahan teks yanf sesuai sebelum mengikuti kuliah tersebut.
  3. Anda seharusnya meluangkan kira-kira dua jam waktu belajar bagi setipa jam anda berada dalam kelas.
  4. Jika anda menghadapi masalah dengan kursus tersebut, dapatkan nasihat daripada pensyarah yang berkenaan atau pelajar yang telah mengambil kursus tersebut. Adakalanya, anda perlu untuk meminta nasihat dan pandangan daripada pelajar yang telah mengambil kursus tersebut.
  5. Adakalanya, pensyarah akan mengadakan sesi ulang kaji selain daripada masa mengajar biasa.
  6. Elakkan amalan mengulangkaji satu atau dua hari sebelum ujian. Amalan ini lebih banyak mendatangkan keburukkan daripada kebaikkan.
  7. Sebaiknya, daripada mengadakan sesi belajar sepanjang malam sebelum ujian, anda menyemak semula konsep-konsep asas dan persamaan dan selepas itu tidur dan mendapatkan rehat yang secukupnya.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Cuti yg Happy

    Akhirnya, cuti dah abes gak. Hari ni dah mula kelas, kuliah, lab dan yg sewaktu dgnnya (w/pun ada yg x blk lg including both my roommate). What a holiday it has been. Cuti ni mmg cuti utk merapatkan hubungan dgn kwn2 both new and old.

    Mula2 ada aktiviti bbq. Best giler. Dah agak lama jgk x bbq & jmpa member2 Sabahan aku. So, mlm Isnin tu kitaorg bbq & bergelak ketawa beramai-ramai. Dah lama gak x buat mcm tu. Msg2 sibuk dgn study sbb kbyknn diaorg dah final year. Ada FYP yg perlu diuruskan. So, masa utk lepak2 mmg sgt kurang. Time cuti ni la nak hang out sama2. Then waktu bbq tu, terpacul plak satu idea. Nak pg air terjun bukit hijau.

    So, pd hari pertana CNY, kitaorg pergi la ke hutan lipur bukit hijau kat kedah. Kitaorg sewa sebuah bas sbb yg nak pg pun ramai. 30 lebih orang mcm tu la. Semuanya bdk2 Sabah Sarawak. Waktu tu mmg time nak berkenalan, merapatkan hbgn & yg sewaktu dgnnya. Mmg best giler. Air sgt sejuk. Mengigil sampai ke tulang. Seriusly....

    Tanpa diduga, hari jumaat sblh mlm nya, kwn aku yg sorg tu blk. Terkejut jgk la. Lepak2, makan2, gelak2 & mcm2 lg. Lgpun time2 mcm tu aku mmg perlukan teman. Ye la. Dok sorg2 with nothing to do. At least I have somebody else to talk to besides myself (yup sometime I do talk to myself but it doesn't mean I'm crazy).

    Overall, cuti kali ni mmg byk benda yg terjadi. And it was fun. It was the time to meet some people yg dah lama sgt x jmpa & time to get ti know them better. Hopefully our friendship will get better after this. Having said all that, holiday's over. It;s time to get busy again, both with assignments and my university activity. Gosh. Till then....

    Sunday, February 6, 2011


    It was the first day of Biology for a group of teenagers. The professor had arranged a short demonstration for the class. He took a worm and dropped it into a glass of water. The worm wriggled about in the water. Then he took a second worm and dropped it into a glass of alcohol. The worm immediately died. The professor asked the students if anyone knew what the point of the demonstration was. A boy raised his hand and said, "You're showing us that if we drink alcohol, we won't have worms."

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Sikit2 Lama2 jd Gunung. Hadus....

    Semua org ada hobi msg2. Dlm byk2 hobi, hobi mgumpul la yg paling femes (kot). Ada yg suka kumpul setem, sampul surat, duit syiling, duit kertas & mcm2 lg.Aku ni plak dr kecik mmg suka ada kumpul benda yg pelik2. Time aku sekolah rendah, hobi aku kumpul getah pemadam yg ada gambar. Bknnya aku pakai pun. Beli byk2 lps tu simpan. Last hilang byk pastu mls nak kumpul dah.

    Time sekolah menengah plak ada 2 fasa. Form 1-3 suka kumpul kad pokemon. Nak main x reti so kumpul je la. Ada lg kt rumah tu. Form 4-5 pulak suka kumpul majalah Hype. Pergh time tu kalau x beli satu edition boleh meroyan oooo. Sampai skrg msh x tau apa tarikan majalah tu sampai aku sggp x mkn kumpul duit utk bli majalah tu (skrg ni majalah tu dh x diterbitkan dah). Time nak SPM je tiba2 aku stop bli. Ye la. Nak exam kan. Bknnya content majalah tu yg msk exam. Hihihihi.

    Msk matrik plak xda hobi kumpul mengumpul yg heavy sgt la. Sbb time tu jd bdk skema (insaf slps keterukkan result SPM). Aku kumpul baju ckit je. Tu je la yg ada. Pastu msk je USM, aku jd pgumpul Printed T-Shirt yg setia. Skrg ni, koleksi baju aku melebih baju pompuan kot. Ada dlm 50++ pasang. Mak ai. Byk giler. Kebnykkn baju tu aku beli la & ada beberapa hasil aku join aktiviti kat USM ni. Waktu join aktiviti, pnyumbang plg byk of coz la pesta hoki. Pesta hoki sdg lepas jd field marshal dpt 6 psg, sdg ni jd coordinator dpt 7 psg. Tp x semua aku bawak la. Ada gak yg aku dh htr blk rumah tp berapa keratla sgt. Huhuhu.

    So skrg ni tgh serabut. Mcm mn la aku nk htr semua baju2 tu blk nnti. Headache gile. Mak aku srh htr pakai MASKargo. Fuyohhhh. Ko ada htr brg pakai MASKargo? Hahahaha. Nnti nak gi check dulu bayaran. Kalau mahal, hmmmmm. Entahlah. Syg giler kat baju2 tu.

    Sape2 ada idea yg bernas blh la cdgkan kat aku. & nasihat aku kat korg, kalau ada hobi tu berpada2 la. Jgn sampai melampaui batasan. Ok. Till next time....

    Friday, February 4, 2011

    Trip to Bukit Hijau

    What a trip we had yesterday. Trip yg dirancang last minit. Tp it was a success. Thanks kat member2 PERSIS yg sudi ajak kitaorg pegi. Trip tu dh jd trip Sabah Sarawak. Hihihihi.

    Pjlnan ke sana penuh kejadian. Dah la bas tu dtg lambat. Pastu blh sesat plak. Hahahaha. Pjlnan tu pttnya kejap je (ok x la kejap sgt) tp jd lama. Xpe. Dpt gak melihat sekitar Kedah. FYI aku x pernah sampai kedah lg except Bandar Baharu, tu pun pg bazaar ramadhan waktu aku kat kampus kejuruteraan dulu. Hahahaha. Tp xpe. Sampai jgk kitaorg ke destinasi.

    Sampai2 je, kitaorg terus tapau makanan sbb kami dpt info yg kitaorg nak pergi kat air terjun yg paling hujung. So, nak patah balik utk makan sgt x releven. Ok fine. Lps semua tapau & tkr pakaian, kitaorg pun gerak ke air terjun hujung. Mak ai jauh giler. Dah la jauh, kena panjat bukit plak tu. Tp xpe. View dia sgt cantik.

    Sampai je kat tempat tu, mandi la apa lg. Sejuk giler air kat situ. Air bukit/gunung rasa nya. Brrrrr. Kitaorg mandi non stop. Hny utk makan je. Rsnya dr 11-3 kot kitaorg mandi. Best giler. Air x dlm so sesuai utk org2 yg x pandai berenang. Utk yg pandai berenang blh la kacau yg x pandai tu. Hahahahaha.


    Lps habis puas mandi tu, kitaorg pun trn dr bukit tu. Spanjang pjalanan tu snap2 la gambar air terjun. Kitaorg pun bergambar kenangan kat entrance. Spanjang pjlnan blk tu semua org tido except aku kot (mmg dh jd sikap aku utk x tido dlm pjlnan kecuali terlampau letih). 

    Mmg best btl trip tu. Dah lama gak x mandi air terjun. Kpd sesiapa yg x join tu, serius anda rugi. Xpe2. mgkn anda blh pegi lain kali. Hahahaha. Ok. till next time....